A Virtual Toast to Your Valentine
Valentine’s Day is a celebration of those relationships built on love – a parent, child, spouse, sibling, close relative, or friend. You are invited to remember your loved ones in
“A Virtual Toast to Your Valentine” via Zoom.
Please join us…
When: Sunday, February 13, 2022 at 4:00pm
Where: Via Zoom (Link Will be Emailed to You When You R.S.V.P.)
R.S.V.P.: By Friday, February 11, 2022
Email: danglerfuneralhomes@gmail.com
Phone: 973-377-3232 (Madison)
Phone: 973-539-3300 (Morris Plains)
For those attending, a special “Valentine’s Care Package” can be picked up on Saturday, February 12th between 2-4pm at our Funeral Homes in Madison or Morris Plains.
We hope you can join us in “A Virtual Toast to Your Valentine.”