Tribute Wall
Visiting Hours
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Thursday, December 8, 2022
Burroughs, Kohr & Dangler Funeral Home
106 Main St.
Madison, New Jersey, United States
Funeral Service
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Friday, December 9, 2022
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
70 Maple Avenue
Morristown, New Jersey, United States
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
Friday, December 9, 2022
Evergreen Cemetery
65 Martin Luther King Ave.
Morristown, New Jersey, United States
Jane Long posted a condolence
Monday, October 30, 2023
Ellie was the dearest of friends for many years. I first met her singing in the choir at Church of the Redeemer, where her talents and sense of humor were a joy. Ellie quickly became a friend to me as to so many others. Colleague at SBG, companion on musical trips, confidant, and inspiration. I am reading about her death nearly a year after her passing. Love and condolences to Dick, Debbie, and David, grands, and all who knew her.
Jane Long
Nancy Ellis posted a condolence
Monday, January 9, 2023
Ellie was such a joy to know. I worked and laughed with her over many years at Silver Burdett, where her excellent editing skills and sense of humor "tools" were sharpened and shared with all. We sang together in a small chorus of editors from the Music Department and other volunteers, often performing for seniors groups in the community. She brought her piano skills to Temple B'nai Or as needed to fill in for vacationing accompanists. What a dear person Ellie was, always with a smile for others! May Ellie's memory be a blessing to Dick, to her whole family, and to all the members of the Silver Burdett and Coro Lirico families as well.
Luciana & Hussein Moharram lit a candle
Thursday, December 8, 2022

Dear Eleanor,
How much we would have loved to tell you face to face what we think of you and how much we love you, but you couldn’t keep god waiting; so, with your permission we will talk to him saying that you are one of his best work. Your integrity, honesty, truthfulness, fairness, kindness, compassion, empathy, tolerance but a few of the attributes that make you the quality, the very high quality person that you are. Wherever we met, on a boat, in a restaurant, celebration, or social event, you brought life and love to the gathering by simply being yourself. Your airy presence was always felt whether on a boat, in a restaurant, social event, or celebration and your uncomplicated, unpretentious approach to life whether by engaging in conversations with all your senses, laugh from the heart and with all your heart made the moments so very precious and dear. The only consolation we have is that god loves you and that he will place you in one of his better places and that you are leaving behind many loving people, a lot of warmth and fond memories.
Your loving friends, Luciana and Hussein
Barbara Shimer posted a condolence
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
It is very painful to bid an earthly farewell to a dear friend of 74 years. Eleanor and I grew up together. Our families lived across the street from one another with all the attendant closeness that such proximity suggests. We walked to elementary and middle school together sharing secrets as girls that age are wont to do. When we progressed to high school, the secret sharing continued as well as the sharing of an occasional boyfriend. It was there, in Edgewood High School that Eleanor's star really shone. She assumed a pre-eminent position in the school's musical program with her lovely voice and extraordinary piano skills.
After graduation, our paths diverged. College, marriage, children and career choices kept us physically apart, but we kept in constant contact. When possible, we joined together for visits at one another's homes. My late husband and I were often the beneficiaries of the gracious Aiken hospitality and Eleanor's superb culinary artistry.
Throughout her life, Eleanor's ability for devoted and caring friendship, created a unique presence in my life. Although age and distance have limited our in person contact in recent years, I will miss our frequent phone conversations and the history we shared.
Godspeed to Eleanor on her journey home.
Debbie Leon uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Eleanor was a beloved tutor for Literacy Volunteers of Morris County for many years. During this time she helped so many people not only learn to speak English, but also to feel comfortable in their new lives in this country. She was an outstanding, caring and devoted tutor, and a wonderful friend. We will miss her terribly.
Maria posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
We’ ll always remember Eleanor on our sailing trips to the Caribbean being fun loving, possessing great effortless style and always being game for adventures. She was a good and loyal friend, we enjoyed her gourmet meals and wonderful stories about her and Dick’s travels and more, We will miss her very much. Rest in Peace dear friend Eleanor. Our deepest condolences to Dick and the family.
Your friends Maria and Stelios
GWENDOLYN JACK-ROLSTON Posted Dec 8, 2022 at 1:34 PM
I have met Mrs Aiken only a few times; during those visits I have always seen the love,❤ joy and pleasure she experienced being around her granddaughter, my niece Natalie.
Over the many years of our family relationship without meeting me or my son, she always inquired about our health and send prayers and gracious greetings.
She always send birthdays and Christmas cards to my Mom. It was a pleasure and true Blessings to spent time with you and Dick at my sister this summer.
Rest In Peace.
The family of Eleanor H. Aiken uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 6, 2022

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who we are:
The Dangler Family of Funeral Homes - a family run business since 1820.
Contact Us
Dangler Funeral Home, Inc.
P: (973) 539-3300
F: (973) 539-9893
Burroughs, Kohr & Dangler Funeral Home, Inc.
P: (973) 377-3232
F: (973) 377-2226
600 Speedwell Ave.
(at Glenbrook Rd.)
Morris Plains, NJ
Christine M. Dangler, Mgr., N.J. Lic. No. 4706
Kip M. Dangler, Dir., N.J. Lic. No. 3992
106 Main St.
(at Greenwood Ave.)
Madison, NJ
Kip M. Dangler, Mgr., N.J. Lic. No. 3992
Christine M. Dangler, Dir., N.J. Lic. No. 4706