Tribute Wall
Richard R. Siegel, Ed.D. uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, January 4, 2024

Dear Family-with a feeling of a heavy heartfelt sadness, please know, I recently was made aware of the Fred's end-of-life on December 30, 2023. Fred has gotten off my "Train of Life", to which he and I met in1960 when Allen W. Roberts, New Providence School District Superintendent, was hiring the staff for the New Providence's first high school. As head of the Industrial Arts Department, Fred demonstrated his love teaching and his unique teaching and craftsmanship skills with students. All but one of my own children selected and art class before graduating. When being encouraged to select an art class by her mother, she responded, "No, I want to take a wood class with Mr. Dimuccio". She did two years. Of the many highlights of his tenure at New Providence High School, the one that tested his talents, was building and helping design the sets for a specially theatrical stage design for the high school by James Hull Miller, known as a "Thrust Stage" with the capability of projected scenery. When Dwight Boyd, English Department, wanted to see a runway built over the fist row of seats in the orchestra seating area, Fred, sure, I can do it. And he did. In the Musical Carousel, a carousel was required. Fred took the art department's design and with his students built life-size horses that the student actors could hold and ride with mimicing a revolving carousel. As Department Chairmen for Visual Arts and Industrial Arts, we worked closely with the Boro of New Providence, using students from both our classes, to design the New Providence Park with gazebo and walkways. Situated along South Street and heavy traffic, the student's recommended building raised earth mounds accompanying the various walkways to absorb the passing of automobiles and trucks. The drafting students surveyed the lot and created the landscape drawings of the approved park design presented by the Visual Art and Industrial Art students. This openness and willingness to be of service extended to the broader community of New Providence, as was mentioned, the manager for the New Providence Community Pool. Fred enriched the lives of all that came in contact with him. Thank you, Fred, for enriching mine. You were a "Special Person". Family of Mankind Love, Dr. Richard R. Siegel, Harwich, MA
The family of Frederick Leonard DiMuccio uploaded a photo
Monday, January 1, 2024

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