Tribute Wall
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Burroughs, Kohr & Dangler Funeral Home
106 Main Street
Madison, New Jersey, United States
Funeral Mass
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Monday, August 15, 2016
St. Rose of Lima Church
50 Short Hills Avenue
Short Hills , New Jersey, United States
ERNEST ROBERTS posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
This is a special man! A caring, generous man who dedicated a significant part of his life to the development of young men of character. A mentor of mine in Scouting, both when I was a Scout Leader and when I entered the administration in my District Council. I can never thank him enough.
S.I.P., Ken Fineran! Gone too soon. Thank you!
Elton Hawkins posted a condolence
Monday, August 15, 2016
To Marie and the Fineran Family:
I was saddened to hear the passing of my co-worker and friend at Allstate for many years. He was a great guy with an extraordinary sense of humor. My most memorable moments will be when Ken played Santa along with Steve Banda as Santa's helper during our company's Christmas grab bag giveaway. Ken and Steve did this for several years and the impromptu skips they did were simply hilarious. They should have been on Saturday Night Live! I believe the last time I saw and spoke to Ken was around 2010 or so when he came to the Bridgewater office to visit.
Marie, I am so sorry for your loss. I will always remember Ken. He trained me to take over as Mail Room Supervisor in 1977 when he moved on to another assignment.
May God comfort you and your family and grant you strength during this most difficult time.
Jack Desch posted a condolence
Sunday, August 14, 2016
A finer more decent Scouter you won't find. THANK YOU Ken for the difference you made in so many lives, young and old.
Paul & Colleen McNamara posted a condolence
Friday, August 12, 2016
Dear Marie,
Over 40 years of knowing Ken have been a wonderful experience. His honesty, clarity, loyalty and great sense of humor are a true measure of his life. He will be missed but never forgotten. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love, Paul & Colleen McNamara
Carol Harmatuck Allgeier posted a condolence
Friday, August 12, 2016
Dear Marie and family,
So sorry to hear of Ken's passing. He will be missed but remembered by all who knew him.
Deepest Sympathy
Jim & Pat Withers posted a condolence
Friday, August 12, 2016
It is rare that an individual has such a quiet, unassuming influence, as Ken surely did. From his many mentoring years in scouting, to his service on his (winter home) board of directors, Ken was there.
A good man, that will be truly missed by all. Thank you Ken for your years ofJ friendship. Rest in peace longtime neighbor and friend....Heartfelt condolences to Marie and family......
Jim & Pat Withers
SewWinds Condo
Hutchinson Island, Florida
Roz & Byron Dennis posted a condolence
Thursday, August 11, 2016
May our Lord bless and comfort you and your family during this time of grief. Please accept our sincere condolences.
Joseph & Amy Vars posted a condolence
Thursday, August 11, 2016
We are so sorry to hear about Ken. Our prayers are with you Marie and
family....God Bless you all....
Maribel Romaine (Torres) posted a condolence
Thursday, August 11, 2016
I worked with Ken at Allstate. I remember our conversations about the Spanish Civil war. My father served in that war and Ken was fascinated by that and we would talk about those stories. He was a kind and funny man and he accomplished much in his life. He has touched so many especially through Scouting. His mentoring will live on in the lives of the boys and men he influenced. I'm so sorry for you loss. Know that his friends care and send our prayers that God may comfort you,his siblings and family during this very difficult time.
Stuart Clark, Troop 17 Boy Scout, and Family posted a condolence
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Please accept our sincere condolences on your loss.
Scoutmaster, Ken Fineran was an honorable and amazing man! He was an excellent role model for all the boys and grown men in and out of Troop 17. He will always have a special place in our hearts.
Mary Jane and Ron Kasliner posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Sending healing prayers and comforting hugs. We are so sorry for your loss Marie and share in your sadness. Ken was such a wonderful person whom we shall miss.
We love you.
Mary Jane and Ron
Susan & Craig lit a candle
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Will miss you forever.
Allen Sterk posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
I served with Ken at the NJ State Police Camporee we'll really miss him
Joy Champion Marconi posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Please except my deepest condolences. Ken was truly an amazing person; a mentor and great manager for many years when I worked at Allstate SIU. His humor, intelligence, and compassion for those around him set him apart. He was loved by those of us who knew him, and I will always hold him in my heart. He was an extraordinary man who will be missed.
Steve Banda posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
words can never express the loss that I feel in losing a best friend. We shared so many memories that I couldn't possibly cover them all here. I have been getting many calls from friends, former and current employees all who have expressed how this bigger than life personality made an impact on them. Even though I didn't see Ken sometimes for a month( thanks to all of the trips) he was always there.I will miss you my friend, My world is not as funny now, but I am grateful that you were my friend for 40 years. Love you Ken and Marie I am always here for you.
Rose Anderson posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Marie and Family I am so sorry for your lost. Ken will be miss by all who knew him. He touched so many hearts.
Ken Gutbrod posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Thanks for all the work you accomplished to help the Boy Scouts. You made an
important contribution. I fondly remember the good times we had together and what we accomplished while working on the waterfront at Camp Ken-etiwa-pec. You will be missed by all.
who we are:
The Dangler Family of Funeral Homes - a family run business since 1820.
Contact Us
Dangler Funeral Home, Inc.
P: (973) 539-3300
F: (973) 539-9893
Burroughs, Kohr & Dangler Funeral Home, Inc.
P: (973) 377-3232
F: (973) 377-2226
600 Speedwell Ave.
(at Glenbrook Rd.)
Morris Plains, NJ
Christine M. Dangler, Mgr., N.J. Lic. No. 4706
Kip M. Dangler, Dir., N.J. Lic. No. 3992
106 Main St.
(at Greenwood Ave.)
Madison, NJ
Kip M. Dangler, Mgr., N.J. Lic. No. 3992
Christine M. Dangler, Dir., N.J. Lic. No. 4706