How Would You Respond?

By: Betty Dangler
Thursday, November 2, 2017

~~How Would You Respond?
There have been so many natural disasters and tragedies faced by people all around the world, and, recently, in our own United States. Turn on the TV. People have lost so much and now they are trying to rebuild and do without all the things that have meant so much to them, things that money can never replace. I can’t even imagine how these people feel.

What is the feeling associated with this type of loss? It is grief. This is the natural and normal response to the loss of things that are so near and dear to us. As John James, author of the Grief Recovery Method, makes the point that we are taught how to acquire things but we are not told what to do when we lose them. How do we keep moving forward and have the courage to rebuild our lives when natural disasters occur?

I was trying to think of what would be some positive things to think about when your life has been turned upside down. There were so many unsung heroes that risked their lives to help others: the first responders, the neighbors and friends who helped each other get to safety, the agencies and companies that are trying to get supplies to those in need. In the face of tragedy so many good people reach out to help others. For them, be grateful.

Each person who survived these disasters as well as their family and friends, who survived with them, are trying to put their lives back together again. In this process of healing, you can support each other. Nothing can ever replace the love of family and friends. For each other, be grateful.

If ever you and I feel sorry for ourselves, let us look for the opportunity to help someone else less fortunate, give of ourselves unconditionally, and look for nothing in return.  For this opportunity to open our minds and our hearts, be grateful.
When you experience loss how will you respond? Will you have the courage and strength to move forward? What will you be grateful for?

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